Sponsorships Available for APS Seed Pathology Fundamentals Course

  • On April 26, 2023

The American Phytopathological Society (APS) is seeking sponsorships to make its “Seed Pathology Fundamentals: Regional to Global Implications” course accessible to a global audience. The course will be held every Tuesday between September 19-December 5, 2023.

The Seed Pathology Fundamentals course was designed by seed pathologists to help address the global gap in educational resources and training in seed pathology. Covered topics include: importance of seed movement for global food security and health; mechanisms of seed infection or contamination; disease management in seed production fields and greenhouse seed production; and more. Instructors include: Lindsey du Toit, Washington State University; Ric Dunkle, American Seed Trade Association; Gerbert Hiddink, Enza Zaden; Gary Munkvold, Iowa State University; and more.

For more information on the course, including how to reserve a sponsorship, click here.