ASTA Leadership Summit Sessions Announced

  • On February 15, 2024

The session schedule for ASTA’s upcoming Leadership Summit, June 15-19 in Nashville, has been posted on the event site, revealing a wealth of opportunities for collaborative and facilitated learning between all career levels within the seed industry. Focusing on a theme of GROW (Goal, Reach, Open and Work), ASTA’s Leadership Summit offers something different from the usual agricultural leadership development program, in that it focuses specifically on the seed industry.

“This event is not just for early career level folks, but for all career levels to come together and learn from each other, with a variety of interactive elements focusing on crucial business topics, plus plenty of social networking time in Nashville,” says Jennifer Crouse, ASTA’s Senior Director of Meetings and Services.

The agenda begins with an interactive examination about what is different about leadership in the seed industry, followed by a series of sessions on setting leadership priorities, growing a diverse company community, and leadership first within your company (including seed business models) and then, within the context of outside market and government influences. Fred Kofman, a former VP at both LinkedIn and Google, will kick off the series with a keynote on team optimization, followed by a “GROWth Chamber” of round table discussions amongst the audience to examine and activate the lessons from the presentation. The session series concludes with a farmer panel on “Ground Truthing” new technologies and factors impacting the grower. A final “Leadership Acceleration” exercise will bring all the session content together into each attendee’s personal action plan.

We invite you to bring multiple individuals from your organization and seize the opportunity to utilize the Leadership Summit as a group professional development session. Those organizations with 4 or more registered employees are eligible for a group discount on registration fees. Register today!